
Data Services for the FM industry

We help Facility Management teams
improve operations & build new services
with the power of data.

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Breaking the walls of data acquisition

Facility Management companies rarely have direct access to data from their contracted buildings. Here's how we can comprehensively and affordably change that for you:

  • Equipment

    Connect to each building's assets

    By installing our cutting-edge gateway, data from any BMS network (existing or new) gets posted in real-time to our platform. When necessary, remote control gets also in your hands.
    By installing wireless sensors more valuable information can be revealed where equipment data is missing. --- And all that just in a half days work!

    Modbus / BACNet / Lon / LoRa /
    Wireless sensors for Temperature, Proximity and Touch

  • Space

    Sense the built environment

    IoT technologies have transformed the digital building, which is no longer dominated by a traditional BMS. Autonomous sensors talk directly to the cloud and a new type of integration unlocks new paths of value. By deploying wireless sensors, it's time to sense the space around us from open doors and windows to detailed space conditions.

    Wireless sensors for Temperature, Proximity

  • People

    Accurately and anonymously count people.

    How do people interact with space? Knowing the use of space is essential in order to manage everythng else and create a new experience for the end-users.

    AI powered device for people counting
    Wireless sensors for Proximity and Touch

  • API's

    Bring other critical data into the mix

    More interesting analytics can come from combining other data sources that live is data-silos.

    CMMS, Energy Providers, Fleet Tracking


Answering Questions

Turning data into information is all about answering the right questions.

Powerful KPI's

We deliver your critical KPI's at lighting speed. In real-time and with constant support.

Machine Learning

Some problems require a model approach. Our team is ready to deliver you the value you are looking for in the data.

Use Cases

Proactive Service
Finding and solving problems before the end user notices will significally increase the quality of your service while limiting the costs from unnecessary visits on site.
Tenant Applications
Serving the tenants in a building is at the core of each facility management service. Now you can delight them with new digital applications and reinvent their experience.
Space Utilisation
Use of space is directly linked with costs. Understanding and redesigning how people use space is a new brand service that you can offer to your customers.
Food Safety
Convinient stores and super markets may have monitoring solutions, but they are more than often unreliable at critical moments. Ensure 24/7 365 real-time availability and act proactively to save food and costs.
Systems Evaluation
KPI's that present how well (or not) equipments are doing their job are key towards operational excellence and strategic design.
Energy Applications
In the new energy transition gaining control of all energy applications will prove vital for facility teams success in environmental customer targets.
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